
US Soccer Scarf Competition Submissions


GOAL: Design a soccer scarf for US Soccer, for the 2019 campaign.

US Soccer Fan Scarf 20181210 eagles Blue checkers.jpg

This scarf used an original vector drawing of an Eagle with the US Soccer shield in front. The three stars representing three World Cup (WC) Championships for the US Women’s soccer team is on both sides of the flag. Red, White and Blue was used based on the colors of the US Flag. Lettering all goes in a forward upward angle symbolic of US Soccer’s continued rise in the US and world.

US Soccer Fan Scarf 20181211 American Footy 2.jpg

US SOCCER on this scarf goes at a slant upward to show the increasing interest of soccer in the US. The stripes on this flag are symbolic of the stripes on our flag. The three WC stars are placed in the slanted white stripe going in an upward and forward direction symbolic of US Soccer. Soccer is the international sport of Football, so since it is known as soccer here, I used the phrase “AMERICAN FOOTY” This scarf used an original vector drawing of an Eagle with the US Soccer shield in front.

US Soccer Fan Scarf 20181211 American Footy.jpg

The stripes on this scarf are symbolic of the stripes on our flag, but are stylized to show flow, and graceful movement (like in soccer). Soccer is the international sport of Football, so since it is known as soccer here, I used the phrase “AMERICAN FOOTY,” to highlight the game. This scarf used an original vector drawing of an Eagle with the US Soccer shield in front.

US Soccer Fan Scarf 20181211 blue swirls.jpg

The stripes on this scarf are symbolic of the stripes on our flag, but are stylized to show flow, and graceful movement (like in soccer). This scarf used an original vector drawing of an Eagle with the US Soccer shield in front.

US Soccer Fan Scarf 20181211 eagles white checkers.jpg